Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I’m the kind of person that likes to think of myself as put together.  In my couple months after graduation there have been times where I’ve been…not quite put together.  From a part-time fun summer job falling through, to finding mushrooms growing out of my carpet, to realizing I have a month before my lease is up and won’t have a place to live, to – oh yeah, about that job search…. things have been a little crazy.  

I want to create the best opportunity and strongest first step for myself – but it’s taken me a lot longer than originally anticipated.  I had my first meeting with Kathleen, Founder of Career Investments, today and I felt the empowerment and step in the right direction.  One of my biggest ah hah!s from it, is that even having graduated with a degree in advertising, I had forgotten the importance of how we brand ourselves. 

One of the first things Kathleen asked me to do, was list four things that I’m known for.  The four things I put didn’t paint the impressive, desirable personal brand I was wanting.  I’ve done things that would make a future employer think, “wow!” – but that’s not what I thought of.  I wasn’t in the mindset of looking at what I’ve accomplished that really makes me stand out.  I had completely forgotten the unique things that I’m known for – like being part of presenting an award-winning campaign at a national competition, and my leadership roles in my sorority – and instead, I put qualities like “caring”, and “great communicator”.

I need to start thinking about myself in a way that really showcases my abilities and achievements in a unique way.  What does Kate Chamness have that no one else does? (Other than my totally baller personality).  Without changing my thinking, and creating a vision of how I want to be perceived, it would be impossible for me to stand out and present myself in the way I want to.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Hello, Real World. I'm Kate."

It’s a normal expectation that after college you “enter” the real world.  Well… for some, (ie: yours truly) we don’t exactly gracefully step over the line dividing College and the Real World.  Oh no.  For graduates who don’t have a job lined up come graduation, the celebratory boot we receive is quite similar to how a baby bird gets nudged from the nest when it’s time to fly. 

Whether we land on our face, or find our wings depends on one thing – The Plan.  Our Plan.  The Woohoo-I-Just-Graduated-But-Now-What-The-Heck-Do-I-Do??? Plan.  Do I move back home? What job do I get?  Are the mushrooms growing out of the carpet in my house bad? Where do I look for a career?  How do I get my size 10 foot in the door (especially when it’s not open very wide in the first place)!

I went to a good school, had a good GPA, and was involved in a number of organizations both academic and social.  Now that I’ve graduated having done my part I’m wondering – where’s my job???  If only we were back in the days where you can walk in somewhere and say, “Hi, I’d like to work here”, and boom! get hired.  Now you have to know someone who can get you in.  Thankfully, I’ve been blessed with parents who are willing to market me to people they know – just in case a contact or job opportunity is the result.  They’re my advertisers, cheering squad, resume and portfolio editors, and my support.  It would be easier if I was home, or at least in the same time zone – three hours difference can be quite the pain when you’re trying to get a resume ready in less than 24 hours – but they are always there for me, helping me make connections and get an edge.

Bottom line, whether we’d like to admit it or not, we need guidance.  While parents are a blessing, and career counselors from school are a great resource – we need someone from the outside.  Someone who takes the time and looks at you as you, not someone from College X.  Someone to help you think about things that you overlook.  Lucky for me, I found a group of people that do just that.  What started as a puppy-sitting job for Kathleen and Eric, turned into a part-time internship in their office.  As if I could get any luckier, they also want me to go through their program so that I fully understand what their business is about.  What a gift!! 

So, in case you couldn’t already tell, this blog is about my experience going through Career Investments’ Get-A-Job Plan for college graduates, and creating My Plan.  I’ve been fumbling through time trying to create it, so I’m willing to take all the help I can get!